
2 posts

Board Member Spotlight – Trena Roudebush

What is your current Board Position?  Past President and current At Large Board Member

How long have you been running and how long have you been a member of Indy Runners? I ran my first half marathon in 2003 and first full in 2013. This year’s Sam Costa will be my 106th half and Carmel Marathon will be my 61st full. I think I joined Indy Runners around 2010 because it was important to me that there be a thriving running community in our city.

Are you originally from the Indianapolis Area? I grew up in Broad Ripple and moved to Noblesville in Junior High. I didn’t go far, though, as I graduated from Butler University and have staying in the Indy area ever since.

Do you listen to anything while running?  If so, what?  Podcasts (currently crime and lawyer-y things) and NPR.

What is your favorite distance/race? Marathons, hands down!

What do you enjoy most about Indy Runners?  The people. There is rarely a shortage of interesting conversations.

Do you have any goals for the upcoming year? Be proud of my race efforts, regardless the time.

Why did you begin running? I signed up for my first Mini with the intention of losing weight and getting in shape. A couple weeks before the race, I figured I should probably lace up and get some miles under my belt. Eventually, I learned that’s not the best approach.

What is your favorite running motto/mantra? I hear Leslie Teskey’s voice in my head saying one of two things: “Trena loves this (running) more than the rest of us” and “crazy little bad*ss”

What advice would you give to beginning runners? Keep showing up. I spent my first summer at PBT between packs, but eventually caught the group ahead of me. They’re among my closest friends and STILL challenge me on runs.

What is your favorite route to run? Eagle Creek, although I don’t get out there as much as I should.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of running?  I describe myself as a Connector, a Communicator and an Enabler. I value information and experiences.

What is your prerace routine? Talking to everyone.

What is your post run/race meal? A thick burger, salty fries and a beer.

What is your proudest running moment? My second marathon – Monumental 2013 – where I BQed by 17-seconds. I didn’t care if I had enough cushion to go, I just wanted to hit the mark.

What might club members find surprising about you?  I can’t whistle.

Board Members Spotlight – Mark Nickerson

What is your current Board Position?  Secretary

How long have you been running and how long have you been a member of Indy Runners? In high school in Connecticut, we HAD to do after-school activities. One winter semester I chose ‘winter running’. I’d like to say that I have been running ever since, but I have not. But that taught me that I could do what I thought was a weird summer activity at any time in any weather. In my 30s I started to do 5K races with work mates, but my race training started the week before the race. Not ideal. In my 40s and 50s, I got more serious about running. In my late 50s I joined a training program and a running club for the first time, which rank among my better life decisions. What took me so long!!??

Are you originally from the Indianapolis Area? I grew up in Connecticut and New York. We left New York after 9/11 for a job in Peoria where we lived for 19 years. We moved to Indy in May 2021 and love it!

Do you listen to anything while running?  If so, what?  Music is an important part of my life, and I have dozens of running-specific playlists for my runs. Favorite genres are indie rock, post-punk, new wave, afrobeat and prog rock.

What is your favorite distance/race? Over the last several years, the half marathon has become my favorite race distance. It’s far enough to be a serious commitment, but I’m not wiped out for days. Last year I did back-to-back weekend races, and both went really well!

What do you enjoy most about Indy Runners?  I really like the people, the community, the training programs and the number of weekly club runs. I learned late in life that using these opportunities kept me accountable and disciplined but has also increased my love of the sport.

Do you have any goals for the upcoming year? I have signed up for four half marathons (so far) for this year and may also do an Olympic Triathlon.

When did you begin running and why? The ‘why’ is that running also allows me to eat the foods that I love to be honest and helps me to be healthier.

What is your favorite running motto/mantra? That “I am lucky enough to be able to do this. Relax and enjoy it.”

What advice would you give to beginning runners? Be curious and keep learning about running.

What is your favorite running book/movie? I read Runners World magazine and can easily go down internet rabbit holes when I geek out on running information and practices.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of running?  My wife Jeanne and I have two married daughters (One in Indy and the other in Peoria), and an amazing grandson.

What is your prerace routine? Pre-race and Long Run routine is the same: Fresh pasta the night before. Breakfast is a 20 oz. cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal with added flax, chia and hemp seeds. I drink some kombucha and kefir. It may sound like a lot, but I know what works for me, and I can’t run without something in my stomach.

What might club members find surprising about you?  That I really love cats, and I do volunteer work at a cat shelter.